the blog
How to establish a routine from 4 months
Once your little one reaches four months of age, you may notice their sleep starting to change. This is the perfect time to begin establishing a more predictable routine that suits both your baby and your family’s lifestyle.
Comparisonitis is the thief of joy
As parents, especially in those early, sleep-deprived days, it's natural to seek answers. You might turn to facebook groups, google, or friends with kids, hoping for a quick solution to your baby's sleep struggles. While we're fortunate to live in a digital world where answers are just a few clicks away, the downside is often the conflicting advice you'll find.
The truth about sleep training: what it is and what it isn’t
I wanted to share a common enquiry I receive from parents incase it’s something you’ve been wondering too.
”We are struggling to get our 1 year old to sleep. We are wanting help but don’t want to do sleep training or cry it out. Can you help us?”.
Many parents feel uncomfortable with the terms sleep training or CIO. This is due to the stigma surrounding them.
Understanding Catnapping And How To Help Baby Sleep Longer
Ahhhh, the dreaded catnap! If you’re a parent, you’ve probably encountered this at some point. Catnapping can cause a lot of frustration, and it’s one of the leading reasons why parents reach out to me for sleep support. So today, let’s talk all about catnapping: what it is, when it might be an issue, and how you can help your little one sleep for longer.
Which nap routine is best for my baby?
Every family will suit something different and some families prefer to go with the flow rather than follow a routine - do what is best for you!
There are two types of nap schedules i’ll run you through that you could consider using with your little one; short, long, short & medium, medium, short.
Ditch or keep the dummy?
If you've been considering ditching your baby's dummy - just hold on a minute and consider these few things before you make your decision.
Let's Talk About Dream Feeds
A dream feed is a milk feed that you offer your baby around 3-4 hours after they've gone to bed in the evening. Your baby would remain very drowsy whilst having the feed (the goal is to offer the milk feed then pop them straight back down so they can keep sleeping).
Top Tips For Stress Free Travel With Your Baby
Traveling with little ones can feel intimidating, especially when you're concerned about their sleep schedule. If you're a parent who feels housebound because you're stressed about disrupting your baby's routine, you're not alone. Many parents avoid traveling, even skipping simple naps on the go, because they fear their baby will become overtired, and they won't know how to handle it. But there's a way to break free from these anxieties and enjoy your travels with confidence!
Does Travel With Your Baby Make You Anxious? We Need To Talk.
Traveling with little ones can feel intimidating, especially when you're concerned about their sleep schedule. If you're a parent who feels housebound because you're too stressed about disrupting your baby's routine, you're not alone. Many parents avoid traveling, even skipping simple naps on the go, because they fear their baby will become overtired, and they won't know how to handle it. But there's a way to break free from these anxieties and enjoy your travels with confidence!
Managing Daylight Savings Like A Boss
I have a LOT of questions about how to navigate sleep when the clocks are about to change every year with daylight savings.
How do we navigate the day, what do I do about bedtime?
This blog is going to help you feel confident, empowered and organised leading into the clocks changing. There are quite a few things to consider whether we lose or gain an hour or sleep and will help maintain kick ass sleep for both you and your little ones.
Five breastfeeding tips from a Sunshine Coast Lactation Consultant
Sarah, Founder of The Milky Days shares 5 breastfeeding tips from an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
3 tips for troubleshooting naps
Does it send you into a spin when something doesn’t go to plan with your little one’s sleep?
Maybe they woke up early in the morning, they refused a nap, they only slept for 30 mins at lunchtime. Sleep can be all consuming and anxiety provoking.
I am sharing 3 tips to help you troubleshoot naps more confidently and get that much needed YOU time in the day.
HELP my baby wakes every 2 hours overnight
HELP! My baby is waking every 2 hours at night!
This is a message I receive frequently! 2 hourly waking overnight is such a relentless cycle and is exhausting for everyone involved. So why does it happen?
A baby's sleep cycle overnight is approximately 2-4 hours long compared to day sleep cycles which are around 45/50 minutes long.
The 5 most common reasons families book in for sleep support
Over the past 2.5 years of supporting families in as an Infant and Child Sleep Consultant here at Let's Sleep - I've supported hundreds of families to achieve their sleep and settling goals.
I've noticed some common themes coming through for the most common reasons that families book in for sleep support. I'm not talking about 'catnapping' or 'overnight waking' here. They are the 'sleep issues'. They are not the 'reason' that families book in for sleep support.
The duality of motherhood and the power of ‘and’
The word duality is powerful, the definition being that it is the state of combining two differing things.
In motherhood (especially in more recent times) this couldn’t be truer. We can so often be absolutely done… tired (literally) of the sleepless nights ‘and’ completely obsessed with the soft way your child holds your face; touched out ‘and’ craving more time with them in that exact moment; exacerbated by the nightly ritual that is the battle of meal times ‘and’ planning what fun things you can add in their lunchbox to spark a smile the following day.
Night sleep in stages
Babies' night sleep is divided into a few stages. Having an understanding of these stages can help you to pinpoint why your baby may be waking at particular times during the night (other than for their normal number of night feeds!).