The truth about sleep training: what it is and what it isn’t

Jazz here, founder of Let’s Sleep 🙋🏼‍♀️.

I’m a Mumma, Registered Midwife and Nurse, was a MCHN for 4 years and am primarily now a Baby and Toddler Sleep Consultant supporting families just like yours!

I wanted to share a common enquiry I receive from parents incase it’s something you’ve been wondering too.

”We are struggling to get our 1 year old to sleep. We are wanting help but don’t want to do sleep training or cry it out. Can you help us?”.

Many parents feel uncomfortable with the terms sleep training or CIO. This is due to the stigma surrounding them.

Some crying is very normal and to be expected when we are making changes to little one's sleep and supporting them to settle more independently. Crying is how our babies and toddlers communicate.

All the settling approaches I teach my clients are very responsive and ensure you're meeting your little one's emotional and physical needs. I always offer my clients a range of settling approaches to choose from to ensure you choose one you are comfortable with.

Many parents associate the word 'sleep training' just with a settling approach which is just one small piece of the puzzle.

What I support my clients with is 'sleep shaping' and involves:

  • Establishing a day routine (including wake up time, nap times and lengths, rough times for milk feeds and solids when they’ve started, bedtime)

  • Supporting your baby to self settle using a consistent settling approach

  • Offering your baby or toddler assisted sleep in pram, car, carrier or arms

  • Setting up their sleep environment optimally 

  • Having a night time plan (eg when you’ll feed or when you’ll resettle)

  • Having a clear troubleshooting plan for when things don’t go to plan with naps (so you don’t panic when they refuse a nap!) 

  • Offering them a range of solid foods from 6 months old that are supportive of sleep 

  • Using a consistent bedtime and nap time wind down routine 

  • And lots more

So if you’ve done any of the above, you’ve likely already engaged in some ‘sleep training’ or ‘sleep shaping’ without even realising it :)

I totally understand the fear and apprehension that comes with making changes to your little ones sleep. This is exactly what I guide families through to ensure you feel supported during the process.

If you’re keen for tips, strategies and a plan for your baby’s sleep - grab the 4 to 24 month sleep guide here or if your little one is a bit older, the 2 to 5 year sleep guide is for you.

Prefer tailored support from me? Book in a free 15 minute discovery call and let’s chat about how I can help your family.


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