Meet Jazz - the owner of Let's Sleep

I’m Jazz – a Mum, lover of sunshine, long walks, yummy food, wine and animals. I live on the Mornington Peninsula in Victoria, Australia in a beautiful seaside suburb with my husband Alex, our girl Hazel and our two dogs and cat.

How and why did I become an infant/child sleep consultant?

When I finished high school I went straight into studying a Bachelor of Nursing which I loved and worked mostly in orthopaedics, plastics and general surgery. In my first year working as a Registered Nurse at St Vincent’s Private Hospital in Melbourne I was lucky enough to have a rotation for 4 months in one of my areas of interest - Midwifery and spent time working in Special Care Nursery, Birth Suite and Postnatal areas. This further sparked my love for women’s health and so the very next year I commenced a Postgraduate Diploma in Midwifery. I absolutely loved the course and love being a Midwife. Supporting and caring for women, their partners and babies during this time is an incredibly special job and I always feel so privileged to be with families at that time in their lives. During the first few years of working as a Midwife, I wondered what happened for families once they went home with their baby (or babies!). How did the transition to parenthood go out in the big wide world? Did parents have support at home? How did children grow, develop and change over the following years. How did parents manage the sleep deprivation I had heard so much about.

I went back to University and studied a Postgraduate Diploma in Nursing (Child, Family and Community) and started working as a Maternal and Child Health Nurse. This felt like such a natural extension of the Midwifery role. Working with and supporting families from the birth of their baby and up until their child starts school provides a more holistic view of family life and what is involved in being a parent. I quickly realised that a huge point of discussion and concern for parents was their child’s sleep (or lack of). I wanted to be better able to support and educate parents on child sleep and decided to complete a short course to become a Certified Sleep Consultant. One week into starting this short course we discovered we were expecting a baby – at least the course would help us to prepare for our baby and sleep! 

I started working privately as a Sleep Consultant in my business ‘Let’s Sleep’ and have found it so rewarding working with parents and helping them to improve their baby’s sleep issues. I love educating parents about infant/child sleep and seeing them use that knowledge to navigate their little one's sleep. Seeing significant improvements in babies sleep is wonderful and the holistic health and wellbeing benefits this has is huge for families. I have lots of exciting ideas and plans for the future with Let's Sleep and can't wait to share these plans with you all in the coming months.


Sleep Regressions (and why you don't need to fear them)